Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Another weekend

Ok, this is another LATE post again because I'm just too busy to update my blog (actually is just too laziii). Nothing special with my offday, just went out to walk around, hunt food and accompany this ah Moi to see the light show again. How many times I been there already ya ? 2 times.. haha.. but this time not much people at there, so you can just take photo like nobody cares. 

So now talk about my last Saturday, went to Burger Lab located at the Greenbelt 2 to try their burger because Ah Moi say nice worr.... But then all also beef, so I just give a try la. Eemmmmmm~~~ really not bad, and their fries very nice also!! Skinny fries~  So before start our meal, we have to selfies first. LOL~

So after that, we went to the Ayala Triangle again.. LOL~

Then the next day, went out with this TaiTai. Both of us planned to wear like a Rich TaiTai but then I'm not la because I'm still not yet married ma, only her la.. hahahaha... 

So this is how I pass my weekend offday... Always just the same.. Boring life~ That's all !


Friday, January 16, 2015


有时不认老都不能,是时候开始要补一补。补养品不一定要最贵才是对自己好的,最重要是适合自己的身体。 首先要了解自己的体质和问题才能下药。

- 补气养血
- 养血安神
- 缓和药性

- 滋肾养肝
- 补脾养胃
- 养颜乌发
- 治虚损之效
- 活血强心

- 补中益气
- 生津液
- 养血
- 安神及明目
**黑枣含有葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、维生素c、核黄素、胡萝卜素、13种氨基酸和36种微量元素等, 堪称“天然的综合维生素丸”,对于少女阶段视力保健有极佳的效果。

- 养肝明目
- 抗衰老
- 美容
- 提高免疫力
- 滋补肝肾

桂圆干(Dry Longan)
- 安眠
- 补气血
- 补心安神
- 能主治精神不振

当归(Angelica sinensis)
- 调节子宫
- 补血调经
-  护肤美容作用
- 散寒功效

温馨提示 :
- 以上的药材不一定适合每个人因为每个人的体质都不一样。服用前请先和你的医师了解。
- 适含量服用。

**Photos and information from**

Friday, January 9, 2015

It still can be happy.

1. Try to step out from your comfort zone.

2. Pick a book that you like and read it.

3. Hang out with friends.

4. Try to go out alone, sit at a coffee shop and enjoy a cup of coffee.

5. Shopping.

6. Pamper yourself, have a body massage or facial.

7. Find somebody you trust and tell out all the things that bothering you, don't keep all in the heart.

8. A week at least to have a day off, rest yourself and sleep as much as you can.

9. Watch your favourite movies.

10. Do exercises.

11. Always have a smiley face.

12. Try to cook something.

13. Eat Ice Cream.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tall best friend !

A date with the TBF (tall best friend). LOL! Why I will describe her as TBF ? It is because she call me SBF (short best friend) first! Eventhough she just taller than me that 5cm but why everytime I'm still short than her even I'm wearing my heels ? How many inches of heels I have to wear so I only can tall than her ? LOL~ *laugh die*

Both of us so geng, we can start from Greenbelt 5 walk to SM Market, then from SM Market walk back to Greenbelt 5 and then from Greenbelt 5 walk back again to SM Market.. hahah.. we are too freee to walk around. Shop, shop, shop and shop again. Feel happy when you get something that you like. Hahahaha ! This call "wash leg, no dry your leg" (in cantonese 洗脚不抹脚).

Here my TBF, hahahahaha~

Even both of us are sitting, but she still looks like tall than me... wth! I think is her hair problems la... not mine la... lol...

It was a happy day although I spent a lot and both of us ate so much!! Hahaha... FAT !!!

*A well spent day will have a good sleep*  ^^


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New year eve!

Ok, I know this is a LATE post... Very late post.. It just kept in the draft for so many days and I'm so lazy to update it. Who can be blame ? LOL.. Just blame that this blog owner super lazzzzziiiiii~~~~~ How do you guys pass the New Year ? Celebration at the Club ? Accompany your family ? Gathering with friends ? Or just sleep at home ? 

At first, I didn't plan to clubbing because the next day I still have to work. So, the girls just plan to have a little steamboat party at home and enjoy the fireworks. But suddenly someone ask us want to go clubbing or not and we body itchy, so we decided to go... Hahaha!!

Here the little steamboat party that prepared by the girls. I'm just eat ! 

Here the pictures go... 

First time take photo with you, you are just so sweet~ *Rebecca*

Don't always just selfies, sometimes have to Groufies also... hahaha~

Ok... Selfies to end the post...

Good things to announce, there are no one drunk among the girls. Hahaha~ This is how I pass the New Year... it is so boringgggggg......
